Meals On Wheels, Industry Inc. does not receive any federal funding.
We are driven by our advocates who wholeheartedly support our non-profit because they believe it helps to promote independence. Below is a partial list of our major advocates.
Charles and Martha House
City of Diamond Bar
City of Industry
Congressman Gary Miller (ret.) & Mrs. Cathy Miller
Diamond Bar Senior Center Citizens Club
Doug and Charlotte Heideman
Drexel Consulting Group - Drexel Smith and Jacki Smith
Dr. Gordon Sasake, M. D.
Emanate Health (Queen of the Valley Campus)
Foothill Transit
Harry Crowell - Insco Insurance Services
Helen and John Michaels
Hitchcock Automotive Resources Foundation
Jim & Geri Kleinpell
Jimmy L. Previti - Frontier Enterprises
Levik’s Jewelers
Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn
Lutherland West
Pathfinder Seniors
Patriot Guard Riders
Phyllis Rokus
Professional Auctioneers
Rick’s Drive In and Out Restaurant
Rotary Club of West Covina
Tennant Foundation
The Colonies Partners
Valley Vista Services, Inc.
Walnut Valley Water District
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation